Benzodiazepine Addiction: How to Stop Benzodiazepines

By February 14, 2024January 30th, 2025Sober living

treatment of benzodiazepine dependence

Patients should drink at least 2-3 litres of water per day during stimulant withdrawal. Multivitamin supplements containing B group vitamins and vitamin C are recommended. Symptomatic medications should be offered as required for aches, anxiety and other heroin addiction symptoms.

treatment of benzodiazepine dependence

Detoxing from Benzodiazepines Safely

A number of studies from the 1990s indicated a role for flumazenil in the management of persistent withdrawal symptoms following cessation of benzodiazepine use. These researchers used dosages of between 1.0 and 2.0 mg flumazenil administered bolus i.v. Over 1 to 3 h to manage persistent or re-emerging withdrawal symptoms following cessation of benzodiazepine use 45,46. Similarly, Saxon et al. 46 reported that flumazenil reduced withdrawal symptoms in high dose benzodiazepine dependent patients who had been abstinent from benzodiazepines for a minimum of 3 weeks (but up to 3 years).

treatment of benzodiazepine dependence

Short Opioid Withdrawal Scale7

Patients in withdrawal should not be forced to do physical exercise. Physical exercise may prolong withdrawal and make withdrawal symptoms worse. Providing withdrawal management in a way that reduces the discomfort of patients and shows empathy for patients can help to build trust between patients and treatment staff of closed settings. People who are not dependent on drugs will not experience withdrawal and hence do not need WM. Refer to the patient’s assessment to determine if he or she is dependent and requires WM. If you or a loved one struggle with benzodiazepine addiction or misuse, you are not alone.

Medical uses

Modifications in GABAA subunit expression as a mechanism of tolerance has obvious theoretical appeal. Unfortunately (preclinical) evidence https://ecosoberhouse.com/ to date is conflicting 17 and has been unable to validate this theory. Glutamatergic and GABA neuroanatomical interplay suggests a possible role of glutamatergic sensitization in benzodiazepine tolerance and withdrawal. There are some data to suggest that this system may at best be partially involved 9.

Links to NCBI Databases

Methadone is useful for detoxification from longer acting opioids such as morphine or methadone itself. Buprenorphine is the best opioid medication for management of moderate to severe opioid withdrawal. It can provide relief to many of the physical symptoms of opioid withdrawal including sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, chills, anxiety, insomnia, and tremor.

treatment of benzodiazepine dependence

Physiology of withdrawal

However, when used for an extended period of time (e.g. several weeks), dependence can develop. Withdrawal symptoms vary according to the drug of dependence and severity of dependence, but often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anxiety and insomnia. Table 3 provides guidance on medications for alleviating common withdrawal symptoms. An additional clinical challenge, therefore, is to address the high relapse rates (with various estimates between 49% and 57% 54,55) that continue to plague long term withdrawal management. This may involve the long term administration of flumazenil over several weeks or months. Infusion may be an impractical method for this long term flumazenil delivery.

Management of benzodiazepine withdrawal

  • Although these drugs vary in their effects, they have similar withdrawal syndromes.
  • A patient’s score on the AWS should be used to select an appropriate management plan from below.
  • Patients who are opioid dependent and consent to commence methadone maintenance treatment do not require WM; they can be commenced on methadone immediately (see opioid withdrawal protocol for more information).
  • The development of drugs with selective efficacy for different α subunits is a promising alternative as these drugs bind with equal affinity to all α subunits, but selectively modulate the activity of one or some of them 10.

These symptoms may complicate the patient’s involvement benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome in treatment and should be taken into account when planning treatment. The safest way to manage benzodiazepine withdrawal is to give benzodiazepines in gradually decreasing amounts. This helps to relieve benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms and prevent the development of seizures. The dose of buprenorphine given must be reviewed on daily basis and adjusted based upon how well the symptoms are controlled and the presence of side effects. The greater the amount of opioid used by the patient, the larger the dose of buprenorphine required to control symptoms. Symptoms that are not satisfactorily reduced by buprenorphine can be managed with symptomatic treatment as required (see Table 3).

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